Going Green has become the prime motto of many World organisations. The threats of Global Warming have popped up with greater speed than expected. As a part of the civil society, the students of Civil Engineering outweighed our peers towards contributing to our environment. Under the assistance and guidance of Civil Engineering Association (C.E.A), a two-day workshop was conducted.


It is our responsibility to take care of our environment. If deforestation and pollution are the hand on hand reasons for Global Warming, it is our obligation that aid towards healing of our Mother Earth. With all this in mind, our aim was to evoke ideas to young people to contribute their best in order to cure the environment.

The main idea of this event GO GREEN was created by Ms. Guna Rani R, AP, SOCE. MOTTO OF THE DAY: Presentation on Professional Ethics and Environmental role of Engineers.


1. Aim of Go Green
The significance of the Workshop, its aim was thoroughly jotted down by Chakravarthy of IIIrd year B.Tech., Civil Engineering.

2. Role Of Students Towards Environment
The 6th sensed humans have a greater role to preserve the environment from degradation. The role of humans in any society was discussed briefly was Prof. T.R. Neelakantan.

3. Publishing A Paper (Writing manuscripts for scientific journals)
You might have come across paper presentations in college. It involves a lot of effort and proper team work to produce one. But what about publishing a paper in a magazine? Is that a team work? How should one navigate through the ideas? How long should one wait? What are the pros and cons of publishing a paper? Who will be of best help? What are the ways in which people can trait us to journals? The answers to the above mentioned questions were vividly discussed by Professor N. Venkatanathan during the session.


Good seniors have their own scoop of creamy ideas to be shared with their juniors. Starting with extrovert-introvert concept of mingling with people, must read books, must have identity/proofs before leaving college to make our future less complicated, Web ideas and the power of Social Networking sites and the like. Such useful tips were given by Narashiman of IVth year B.Tech., Civil Engineering.


All of us are creative or have numerous ideas flowing through us. But when it comes to presentation, our ideas club with stage fear and anxiety, thereby ruining our presentation. Professor S.K. Chaturvedi enlightened us with ethical endeavours to give a standard presentation.


The second day of the workshop saw the mainstream of GO GREEN building ideas. They showed us the ideas of green buildings and IGBC, the organisation responsible for green buildings in India. The ratings of IGBC and various green buildings and their features were elaborated. Meanwhile, in HR skills, the significance was explained in a fun filled manner. Hospitality for the workshop and other facilities were arranged by the C.E.A members. Overall the session was very much interactive, useful and fun filled and we, budding civil engineers had a lot to learn from the lectures and the presentations shown to us