Guest Lecture by Mr.Prof.M.Subramaniam and Er.Veerappan about
"Issues on MullaiPeriyar Dam"
A guest lecture was organized by The School of Civil Engineering on discussing the Issues on MullaiPeriyar dam. The students of the department had the privilege to attend the lecture which was rendered by Esteemed Guests Prof.M.Subramaniam,Member of Planning and Monitoring Board,PeriyarManiammai University,Tanjore and Er.Veerappan former Chief Engineer,TNPWD.The lecture was also attended enthusiastically by the faculty of the Department. The lecture was inaugurated by an invocation to the almighty.It was followed by introduction of chief guest by The Dean of School of Civil Engineering,Dr.S.Seshadri.
Mr.M.Subramaniam shared his vast knowledge on the MullaiPeriyar issue by providing suitable PowerPoint presentation to the audience.He started from the scratch by explaining the basic construction plan of the dam and the entire history behind it.He praised about the laborious workmanship that was involved and also the quality of finish that was delivered.He made the audience to reflect upon the present day structures.Later he moved onto more serious topics like the problems faced by the dam in the present day scenario,the claim of dam by Tamil Nadu as well as Kerala.He kept the audience rapt with attention as the details of the lecture were intriguing.
Mr.Veerappan had an even more interesting way of putting forward things.He presented a 15min video clip that toured about the path of MullaiPeriyar dam.The video that was played gave more clarity about the issues for the audience.Overall the Guest lecture duo made an impactful presentation.It was followed by queries session.
The lecture was wrapped up by Vote of thanks and National Anthem.It was a grand success on the whole.